Remember those days when time used to tick in thr slow motion, people enjoyed spending time with each other, they were less self-centred and more compassionate, less jealous of their siblings, relatives, friends and had the spirit of supporting everyone they came across. Mother use to teach her child how to be kind & humble and gave less heed to riches and cleverness.
We respected and admired our culture, the traditions and there was less of supremacy and less of competing with each other. We were happy what we had, we were sufficient and humble.
With time comfort bought by money occupied our mind, heart and soul. The irony is we live in the illusion and think its real. Reality is on the verge of extinction just like some fauna and flora.
What are we living? Quality of life or quantity in life. It’s a battle, right? that we all are fighting within, but one choice changes everything.
T H I N K.