You Know It
When everything outside you seems interesting and not inside, you know it; you’re trapped in the illusion.
When you hate someone so much that it affects your mental peace, you know it; you lack empathy.
When you judge someone and talk about their flaws all the time, you know it; you’re in pain and you don’t value your time.
When you blame others for your failures and cry all the time, you know it; you need to grow to become wise.
When you’re in a relationship and you want things to be according to you, you know it; you’re a toxic person.
When you’re busy and not able to manage time for self, you know it; you don’t love yourself.
When you always agree upon other’s opinion to please them, you know it; you haven’t found yourself yet.
When you care about the taste and get the animals killed, you know it; you’re a slave of your tongue.
When you exhaust resources of this planet earth and don’t give back, you know it; you’re a selfish uncivilized human being!